Tuesday, September 25, 2007

About Kara...

People keep saying, "Kara, if you want to be as successful as Wikky, do something we can remember you by, and tell us more about you! Guess I'll take this advice?

Age: 16
Ethnicity: Chinese/Vietnamese
Location: US
State: Unknown

Favorite thing to do on EO: ARENA!
What guild am I in: PNS
Rank: Betrayal
Married on Eo: Nope
Level on EO :16
Poor: No
Rich: Kinda

That's about it... I really like to train with friends and pwn in the arena! xD Eh, speaking of arena, I'm gonna post an arena guide tomorrow so check it out. My movie on EO money making is still in progress, I'm pushing it back to this Sunday! Be there or be square.


Places to level up

Crowded as always this is the community of EO. People speeding and competing for monsters, will this ever end? Below I'll list a few non-congested areas I like to train.

  1. The entrance to bales: Deep within the new swamp just passed the beginning of tenbas is a spot where 3 bales spawn about every minute. Very good exp and no one is really ever here. Once again, it's at the beginning of Susan's map area.
  2. Butterflies: Ever since V.28 butterflies haven't been as crowded as they originally were. This is a good thing. Since there's over-all less people here, there will be less speeders as well.
  3. Flyman: Just before atlantis, there are monsters called flymen which are a decent source of exp.
My overall favorite place to train that I have numbered above is my special bale spot.


How to not get hacked/scammed

As you all know, hacking/scamming is a major “easy-to-do” in this game. Unfortunately, it isn’t as easy to avoid. There are, however; some ways that you can protect yourself. I’ll number them below.

1. Fire-wall. This is a must have for internet protection in general. This can stop most hackers in their tracks and leave them cursing and banging on their keyboard because they cant get through.

2. Weekly virus scans. Doesn’t have to be weekly, but you have to virus scan your computer from time to time. Anytime you get suspicious be sure to virus scam because you may have a key logger on your computer.

3. Change Password. Change password monthly or whenever you thinking someone may know your password. Never make your password too obvious.

Do these three simple things and I’m sure you won’t get hacked. Now back to scamming, to avoid being scammed, although this may seem strange when ever you’re in a trade offer whatever it is that you’re offering and repeatedly press accept once they offer whatever it is they are going to offer. This way, they won’t be able switch or anything like that. This is the best way to avoid scams because the pop-up will appear if they try to switch items. However, there is no known way to avoid being scammed by a speed trader. These people can someone create lag and use it to their advantage to switch offers at light speed and you won’t be able to notice what happened until after the trade. Always be on your guard.
