Monday, October 8, 2007

Endless Economy Social Class

Economic Social Class

It took me 3 days to assemble this data, and then one extra day to put it into an article. Forgive me if it took too long, but I only bring the best to this website.

Believe it or not there are 4 main Social Classes. I went around asking 90 Eo citizens what status class they considered themselves – ranging from levels 5-20. Here are the results:

Most people level 5-9 considered themselves to be a “Newb. (They were required to answer truthfully.) 62 of the 90 citizens considered themselves to be a “Newb.This is 68% of the population (in small scales). When asked how much the max about of gold they’ve had, the average amount was 63k. I did this type of poll in version 27, as I do in every new version and I get a different answer every time. Last version’s answer was an average of 17k. This has to do with the new amount of ways of acquiring cash. This also involves the attention span of these so called, “Newbs. They can either sit around and beg for cash or try to earn it themselves. Which is faster?

Definition of “Newb” given by critics (Taken from, “The Gallery of Kara, definitions pl0x.”): A new player to a game, this type of player isn’t always familiar with the basics, and often makes simple, otherwise known as “Newb,” mistakes.

Common characteristics of this social class:

Often has the following:

- Empty ring slots.

- Weaker weapon.

- No boots.

- Weaker Armor.

- Begs for cash.

- Calls higher level players “Newbs” to make themselves feel better. (An opinion of a fellow player on global named, –anonymous.–

- Often tries to stop you with the letter, “U.” (Another opinion from the same player.)

- Types slowly. (Yet another opinion from a different player named, “xxyoutubexx.”

- Often hits low damage.

- Follows you around.

Note: Remember that if you would like to take part in any interview or poll that results as a post on my blog please pm me @ my game name: Karagu

The second Economic Social Class is:

The “Stat Whore”

“Stat Whores” are characters that will wear anything, no matter how stupid or “overrated” it may look, for stats (Taken from, “The Gallery of Kara, definitions pl0x.”). Although this is a great thing to do, you have to be rich and careless to be this kind of person. Out of the 90 people I questioned, only 21 considered themselves to be a “Stat Whore.” This is 23 percent. Last version, 48 percent of the people I questioned considered themselves “Stat Whores.” This is probably because it costed less to be considered a “Stat Whore” last version.

Characteristics of a “Stat Whore:”

This version they wear the following items:

- Oron/Orona

- Frog Head/Helmet of Darkness

- Steel Boots

- Frost/Fire Arrows

- Scav Bow/X Bow/ Saw Sword

- Skull Belt

- Emerald Necklace

- Death Gloves/Iron Gloves

Last Version it used to be:

- Archery (Male/Female)

- TB/Lens/Bow/X bow

- Emerald Necklace

- Skull Belt

- Death Gloves/Iron Gloves

- Steel Boots

- Frog Head/Helmet of Darkness

- Normal Arrows

The third Economic Social Class is:


“Casual” is the type of person that buys and wears things on Eo simply for looks. These people often think they are “better than you” and are often very wealthy. (Taken from, “The Gallery of Kara, definitions pl0x.”) This person usually controls generally about 60 percent of the economic cash funding in Eo. What they buy, sell, and merchant is what makes the “Newbs,” “Olbies,” and “Stat Whores” follow. 6 of the 90 Eo citizens I questions considered themselves to be “Casual,” and often ranged from level 16-21. The percentage of “Casual” players on Eo is .06, there may be extremely few of them, but they control most of Eo. Last Version there was .02.

Characteristics of “Casual:”

“Casual” usually wears the following:

-Tuxido/Baru/Baruta/ (Anything that looks appealing to the typical 13-17 year old.)

-Boots that match their hair, or clothes.

-Fladdy Staff/Knob Staff/Lens

-Usually married to someone that looks just like them because they have enough cash you give cash to someone else to achieve social status.

-Often on global, attempting to gain renown.

-Often loitering in a specific area so that they can make that area known as “their spot.” (Or around Estaq Stronghold. “Where the cool cats hang. - WickidFrost”

-Often putting down other players. (“Stat Whores” do this too.)

-Often threatening to hack you in order to gain social status, in their eyes, fear equals social status.

-Often are AFK. (Or are pretending to be.)

-Often have alternate accounts.

The fourth and final Economic Social Class:


An “Olbie” is a type of person that has been playing for at least 8 Version. This sums up to about 3-4 years. “Olbies” often have titles, which were gotten from the arena-bot, circa version 20, they may also have Costumes (such as a panda or turtle) from when the administrators, “used to care” about Eo. They used to hold many events and they moderated the game much more. (Taken from, “The Gallery of Kara, definitions pl0x.”)

The characteristics of “Olbies:”

- Often have titles.

- Often have costumes.

- Often have many friends.

- Often are on global.

- Often are wealthy.

- Often hang around Estaq Stronghold.

- Often don’t waste their time talking to anyone else because they consider us to be “Newbs.”

- Often are AFK.

- Often have alternate accounts.

An astonishing 1 person considered himself to be an “Olbie,” and this person had a title and a costume. Eventually titled accounts are rumored to disappear from Eo forever and when this happens the prices for these accounts will shoot up to about 8-9 million. Go figure.
