The Renovation Factor:
Converting from one place to another convinces us to believe that you were uncomfortable in your previous position. If so, is running the solution? Is this why previous and post positions were created for in the first place? To run to?
The main server: a lot of unfortunate things happen to befall most of the citizens here. When angry, they are most likely to harass other players, take out they’re anger by cheating, or just leave to the test server.
Statistics show that every 8 out of 10 people that have left the main server went to test server. The other 2 quit the game. Then, 5 out of the 8 people that left to the test server quit the game after a period of 3-5 months. Is this because the test server is too serene? Or is it just because they grew out of/forced to quit the game? Meanwhile, the other 3 people kept playing and still are as I type this post. If it helps to answer your question, the ages of the people I surveyed were from age 15-17. Good enough?
The reason for my late post is because I took my time gathering information this time. The holidays are coming and I had other things in mind. I focused on school, watched anime, and prepared my stomach for the vast amount of turkey it will consume.
Back to the subject, are you one of the 8 people that would leave the main server after being extremely misfortune? For example, being hacked; would you leave after having this happen to you? According to my results, just about 80% of you would. Do you run from your problems? “The 80% mentioned here are sheer cowards, Karagu.” --- Shinigaeyes; a quote by one of my close friends about this post. To me, your opinion matters and this is the very reason I post some of the things you tell me. I appreciate everything you have to say. I believe this is what makes a successful correspondent whose duty is to decode the complex mind of an Eo citizen to a well-uniform website – completely bias-free.
If you would ever like to become a successful correspondent I suggest you keep this in mind. It’s a vital talent.
The Renovation Factor can be relevant to the innovation of the main server. Like any other innovation, helping the server can also lead to the decline of the main server. The Eo citizens have to be careful of which route they decide to take because whichever they choose surly decides the fate of Endless-online. If they continue to contaminate the main server, and then join the test server it would all end the same (excluding the victims). Trust me, if an apocalyptic event were to happen on the main server, the test server won’t become a revitalization ground because it’d just transform back into a complete replica of the main server.
This is the main reason why you shouldn’t run from change. Take matters into your own hands and try to fix what’s happening. This defeats the purpose of trying to save it in the first place.
For those confused:
- The problem with the main server is that there is too many cheaters/etc. and the community/economy is lacking serene.
- The test server has much of where the serene of the main server has gone. Citizens have realized this and have decided to join the test server for the remaining time it will be serene (golden age – time of greatness, peace, and stillness).
- However, if the citizens join the test server in the main server’s current state. It will end up just like the main server.
- Will the main server invoke the golden age as the test server enters the current state of the main server? Is so, what will happen to it? Is this a never ending cycle? Should we ignore it? Are we taking this game too seriously?
- Will the constant onslaught of players entering this game cause both servers to decline? Will this lead to a third server?
- Main question: What will happen to Endless-online? In case something major happens, in order to increase our safety, should we just temporarily quit now?
Keep all of these things in mind as you play this game; if you don’t you’ll just aid to the destruction of this game.
Every human possess the ability to bring about change, whether it’s for good or for bad is up to the human wielding the power to decide. Apparently, on this online game we have too many people using that power for bad. Tainted humans are fated to reside in a tainted world. This is unavoidable, and if you live in this world (which you do) you will suffer as well. Consider others as you perform your rash self-seeking actions.
I’ll include a poll asking whether or not you are one of the approximated 80% converting to the test server. Please vote.
I’ll also add a new Kara-Komic within 3 days of the day I post this post. Pm me in game if you’d like to be apart of it.
Thanks for reading, see you next time!
Edit: The Kara-Komic was postponed due to holiday.