It took a few days to get together, but I managed to gather some information on the rumored, “Eo Sweep.” Here’s the result of the data I’ve gathered.
It’s said that in v29 Arivd and Rexor are going to commence the “Eo Sweep” because they’ll have the new jail up and ready. It’s useless if they do it before v29’s new jail because the hackers/scammers that we all “love” will just escape. Rexor and Arvid are supposedly going to be on at the same time, and wreak havoc on all those cheaters. Here’s how it’s said to go, step by step:
1. Rexor and Arvid log on and head to all of the places people are compelled to cheat at. They’ll also actually “look” at the reports containing the names we’ve sent them for people who were cheating.
2. They’ll say something similar to, “Hey all you speeders/hackers make yourself at home in our new jail!”
3. Everyone on global will panic, bringing upon the Renaissance/Apocalypse (w/e it’s called) to Endless-Online.
4. Jailing left and right, “FREE blah-blah-blah” will be an often term heard on global, but the Administrators won’t care. No mercy.
5. I’ve calculated the amount of known/unknown speeders I’ve managed to come across while on Endless-Online. About 60 people’s names will come up on chat logs everywhere around the world saying they’ve been removed from the game –Arvid/Rexor [Jailed].
Are you afraid? Don’t be because, you won’t be alone. “If you’re one of these 60+ players, you’ll have that nice jail to rot in.” --- (heroicglory) --- quote from a player that apparently hates cheaters. No one knows if this will bring upon the Renaissance or the Apocalypse to Endless-Online. Here’s the view of what some creative players think what will happen. (Both stories, Renaissance and Apocalypse are shown below.)
All speeders will rot in jail for a month straight; the time will only pass if they are online in the jail. They will no longer log in on their main characters, or all alternate accounts made with the same account name they used to create their main characters because those characters will be jailed as well, (all alternate characters created on the same account name are spawned to jail). Arvid and Rexor will bring the Golden Age to Endless-Online. Everything will change and no one will ever speed/scam/cheat again because the new jail will be too harsh for them to risk getting put into. The Renaissance has arrived, with no time to spare. Endless-Online is now the perfect game and its environment is just how the game makers intended…
This is the story four of our Eo citizens formulated with the common thought of Eo justice in mind.
Hell on Endless-Online. The Administrators’ jailing will be similar to unleashing 100 hell guardians in
This is a story designed by three Eo citizens that hate the way the Administrators handle Endless-Online.
Which side are you on? What do you believe? Will the addition of the new jail in v29 transform Endless-Online into the Apocalypse, or the very name of Justice itself? You decide. Vote on the poll that I’ve included with the very creation of this story. The future of Endless-Online is said to be determined soon. I am only a reporter of the thoughts and actions performed by the citizens of Endless-Online.