Sunday, January 13, 2008

All Living Things Die:

All Living Things Die:

The ultimate gift is life, and the ultimate price is death. Some people may see it another way, but in the end it all boils down to the statement above.

I’ve finally come back from my several week vacation to Hawaii. When I came back, I had realized something—“Why push myself to blog/post/inform about a game that is too far from life, and too close to death?” I had arrived at the conclusion that I will give up Endless-online for my 18th birthday. In approximately three months (or earlier), I’ll stop logging onto Endless-online. (Yes, I’ll be keeping everything I own so do not ask.)

For now, I’m going to retire Endless Economy and Gossip©. Once again, all living things die, and this blog once lived. So did Endless-online at one point.

Some major disappointments that contributed to my quitting this game are listed below:

- Unstoppable spammer d/cers.

- Lack of purpose.

- Lack of moderation/administrational visits.

- Dull game play.

- Unbelievably easy to hack, scam, and cheat.

With something as pointless as Endless-online, I think I’ll choose to walk away.

Huge disappointment:

As you have probably noticed, some of the other major Eo blogs have already “slowed” and the owners of some of them have even quit. Can you really blame them?

If Endless Economy and Gossip© was your main source for economic, social, and other Endless-online related issues I’d like to apologize. I’ll refer you to for the social/etc. issues and I really don’t know what to tell you about pricing news because global is now unreliable and so are the banks (thanks to the spammer d/cers).

How I predict Endless-online will die:

With this issue at hand Endless-online will most likely fall due to major problems in the economy which will probably cause mass amounts of players to quit at one time. Then, seeing as the game is empty, more players would come back and another “apocalyptic-event” would probably occur. Something like “Massive amounts of players hacked” as an Endless-online newspaper headline. Either way, I don’t want to be apart of it so I’m quitting now.

When I really think about it, I can’t deny the fact that I actually had fun. This was bound to happen sooner or later so I’m not going to fight what was destined to happen.

There won’t be a next time.

---Karagu Ishiyama (Final Post.)

Thursday, January 3, 2008


Hey, in case you're wondering Kara's on vacation. Don't forget about him he'll be back soon.

Until next time.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Sympathy; Intolerance:

Sympathy; Intolerance:


Freedom is not freedom if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.

Just as it says.

Hackers, we’re doing exactly what they want; making posts about them. Complaining, arguing, hating… and even doing the same as they do. Yes, I’m talking about the spammer d/cers. Look, admit it, no matter how “unforgiving” it was; you know you’ve made a mistake before. Whether it has been in real life or on Endless-online. As mentioned in the post before this one: We are all human, and sometimes, that’s all we have to keep in the back of our minds to keep us sane.

Unfortunately for some of us, we have no choice, but to have sympathy for them. As foolish as it seems, watching others make mistakes can be beneficial to you, yourself. Just watch… don’t learn, because you’ve already learned. That’s why you’re watching them yourself.

If this sounds confusing, or is even making you frustrated; don’t worry. It’s doing the same to me as I type it.

Just remember, just remember, just remember it isn’t hard. It’s actually fairly simple.

Be sympathetic.

It makes Endless-online a better place.

----------------------Sympathy Above Line---------------------------------


The childhood shows the man, as morning shows the day.

On the other hand…

It’s their fault. They’re making Endless-online a more difficult place.

They’re hacking accounts and piercing sophisticated firewalls.

They’re calling you a newb, then running away at 256 mph.

They’re causing you to disconnect at the click of a mouse.

They’re killing you as soon as you enter Pk.





Who cares anymore. Screw them, I’ve had enough. They’re ruining the economy.


D/cing mass amounts of players in widespread economic areas.

That’s how.

I’ll hack them back. I’ll pk ‘em too, I’ll run at 256 mph shouting “newb” at the top of my lungs. Who gives a !@#$.

Screw Vult-w/e that letter was… He doesn’t care, so neither do I.

I want v14 back! –Sniffle-

Be intolerant.

It makes Endless-online the place you want it to be, in your own mind.

---------------------Intolerance Above Line---------------------------

Well, what’re you waiting for? These are separate appeals identical to a citizen of whichever stature was mentioned; sympathetic or intolerant. Now, look to the right… almost there…Yeah, right there. See that poll? Click on either sympathetic or intolerant. It conveys you’re expression towards all of the evil that resides in the MMORPG known as Endless-online.


For those wondering…It’s my style.

Endless Economy and Gossip – Karagu Iishyma

Monday, December 17, 2007

The Truth Behind Hacking:

The Truth Behind Hacking:

If wishes were horses beggars might ride.

When beggars get the opportunity, they’ll take it.

In relation to Endless-online, whenever someone gets the opportunity to make an extra bit of gold, they’ll definitely take it. In this case, whenever someone gets the chance to “STEAL YOUR ACCOUNT” it is going to happen.

Me? Yeah, I’m human. Human first, Eo citizen second. This is the mind set of a human being. Truthfully, if you’re reading this; you’re a human. Now, below, I’ll state THE TRUTH BEHIND HACKING.

Ok, many people often tell their friends that they got hacked. Here, is their first mistake.

Consider this:

- If they got hacked, how are they on their account, when it supposedly got hacked, and as we all know, a smart hacker CHANGES THE PASSWORD OF THE ACCOUNT HE/SHE HACKED SO THAT IT WILL BE EASIER TO TAKE THE ITEMS, AND SELL THE ACCOUNT FOR ADDITIONAL CASH.

If you have come across someone, a “friend” in this case, who has gotten hacked, tell them, “If wishes were horses beggars might ride. Hopefully, they’ll understand.

If you still don’t get it, basically, I’m trying to keep you from getting scammed out of your items. It’s obviously a lie that your “friend” is telling you, and you shouldn’t be tricked into “helping” your “friend” by giving him/her an extra item or two to get back on their feet.

No one is your friend; everyone is out to get you.

Don’t believe me? What you have is “too special” to be traded for an extra scav or two? Think again…think again.

---Karagu Iishyma

The truth

Note: Since what I had planned for Kara-Komic 7 has come to a screeching halt, I’ll have to create a totally different comic. This one will be about someone who let their “friend” know the password to their account. Also, I’ll include a poll asking if you’ve ever been hacked, and another poll asking if you’ve ever hacked someone. See you next time.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

The poor get rich, and the rich get richer:

The poor get rich, and the rich get richer:

Where our desires are met without content; tis safer to be that which we destroy than by destruction dwell in doubtful joy.

If you are fortunate enough to acquire a gift from someone, and is still unhappy, it’s safer to be this way, than to get what you really wanted by destroying anything in your path that prevents your “happiness.”

In this quote’s translation, the gift is profit from confusion in the economy, and regardless; the part that discusses destroying anything in your path is what the casual class does to the economy in this confusion.

“Omg,” still confused? Ok, every new version, there’s HUGE confusion in the economy. This is how the prices of items are created. In this confusion, it is very much possible to make over 3 million gold in 8 hours. From the evil art of merchanting, anything seems to be possible if given the right circumstances. Sure, this may be the best known method for making Endless-online gold, but is it really ethical?

Think about it, you’re practically “stealing” from the fellow Eo citizen you bought/sold that item to. They were unaware of what was going on. Instead of keeping this in mind, the average Eo player would probably just say, with much confidence in mind, “Like taking candy from a baby.” As cliché as that sounds, you know it’s true, you know this is exactly what you think/say when you walk/scroll out of that bank 100k gold richer.

On the other hand, is this classified under the “logical appeal?” Is it just another matter of survival? “Eat or be eaten,” as the average e-caveman would say? Well, in order to answer this question, we must first distinguish whether we are e-cavemen, or Eo citizens. The logical appeal would be to just “scam/merchant/w/e you call it” and walk away happily. Where is karma in all of this? The ethical appeal is mentioned in the paragraph above this one, so take a look there if you’re unsure about what it is. This appeal would be the one to side with if you think of yourself as an Eo citizen and not an e-caveman. So, ask yourself aloud, “Am I an Eo citizen, or an e-caveman.” Or, if you don’t want to scare anyone that might be in the same room with you at this moment in time, you could just vote on the poll I’ll include with this post. “Are you an Eo citizen, or an e-caveman?”

Vote now.

For those confused:

- E-caveman = Someone that does something for their own benefit. “Eat or be eaten.”

- Eo citizen = Someone that does something with other people’s wishes in mind; the “ideal” Endless-online player.


Edit: I’m adding the finishing touches to Kara-Komic 7, will be added to the site on 12/14/07.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007



Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

- “The Admins don’t care.”

- “It’s all your fault.”

- “I blame you.”

- “Get out of my way newb.”

- “Get a life!”

Heard anyone of these terms recently? If you have, then you MUST be playing Endless-online. What’s that? Huh? You are? Lucky guess I suppose.

As much as you want to, “throw your keyboard out of the window,” or “bang your head on the computer screen,” we all have to remember. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. Sure, there’s been a “butt-load” of complaining going around these days, but it’s all for a reason. We’re making our issue known. We’re giving the problem a name.

An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.

Ok, if you “fight fire with fire,” then you’re only going to lose an eye (lol). If some guy gets mad at you because you (or he/she in some cases) does something wrong; don’t get into a full-on argument. Swallow your pride, and do whatever it takes to resolve the issue. Believe it or not; every small fight that we get into on this online-game contributes to the overall problem. We can’t expect to get anywhere just bickering with each other all the time. “Be the bigger ‘man,’ accept defeat, and move on (even if you can swear that your way, is the right way)."

I was trying to make another Kara-Komic in what seemed to be a desolate area, when I looked at the chat, I saw two people arguing. It was a rather “dumb” argument that went a bit like this.

Person 1: “Move, newb I’m trying to train.”

Person 2: “Stfu loser, I was here first.”

Person 1: “I don’t see your name on it nub.”

Person 2: “I own this area go !@#$ yourself.”

Ok, dumb right? This sounds like two e-cavemen arguing over territory. Sad eh? This is probably what you sound like in most of your arguments too, no matter how many big words you use.

As the main problem begins to unfold, everyone seems to be guilty. Me, you, the game-makers…everyone. As much as you’d like to; don’t point the finger and don’t throw fire, or you could “accidently” put someone’s eye out. It’ll just end up in you losing an eye as well.

Note: Kara-Komic 7 almost done, be patient please. I’ll also add a new poll determining whether or not you think there’s still hope for Endless-online. Be sure to vote.

See you next time.


For those confused:

Basically, this post is just explaining how every little issue we encounter contributes (adds to) the larger overall problem. Whether it’s economic problems or social problems; it all affects us in the same way. “Make love, not war.” --- JET

Edit: To Eggiesamiri,

I’m not going to be on as much as I was on the weekdays. Things are starting to get a bit complicated (I-R-L) and I have to attend to these issues. However, I will still be online on the weekends so don’t worry. Love you, and I’ll see you soon.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Run While You Can:

Run While You Can:

They always say, “Running is not an option,” but in the case of Endless-online…

Endless-online has been full of drama, stress, and violence, and it’s only getting worse. Many citizens are being pushed to their limits due to the idiotic actions of the spammer d/cers. Everyone is “on-end.”

If you ask me, I think we all need a nice long break to clear our heads, and give the Administrators a chance to fix the spamming problems, if they can.

Below, I’ll post some “Kara-approved” MMORPGs that you could start playing if you decide to temporarily leave Endless-online.

Kara-approved games:

(Follow the link, it should take you to a well organized-alphabetized list of fun and free MMORPGs)

I got together with a few Eo players and discussed the status this game is currently in. We’ve concluded that too many people are messing with the game’s “internal-components” and these “hackers” aren’t taking the game seriously. This is a huge problem and if it keeps up, someone is definitely going to get hurt. In order to avoid further pain, I suggest taking a break, but that’s just me.

Go out and do whatever feels right, in the end, it’ll all end the same way.

Note: I’ll include a poll asking if you think taking a break from Endless-online is a good thing or not. Be sure to vote.

ALSO! I, Karagu, am now married to the most amazing girl on Endless-online; Eggiesamiri. I love her with all of my heart, wish us luck. <3

See you next time.
