Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Sympathy; Intolerance:

Sympathy; Intolerance:


Freedom is not freedom if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.

Just as it says.

Hackers, we’re doing exactly what they want; making posts about them. Complaining, arguing, hating… and even doing the same as they do. Yes, I’m talking about the spammer d/cers. Look, admit it, no matter how “unforgiving” it was; you know you’ve made a mistake before. Whether it has been in real life or on Endless-online. As mentioned in the post before this one: We are all human, and sometimes, that’s all we have to keep in the back of our minds to keep us sane.

Unfortunately for some of us, we have no choice, but to have sympathy for them. As foolish as it seems, watching others make mistakes can be beneficial to you, yourself. Just watch… don’t learn, because you’ve already learned. That’s why you’re watching them yourself.

If this sounds confusing, or is even making you frustrated; don’t worry. It’s doing the same to me as I type it.

Just remember, just remember, just remember it isn’t hard. It’s actually fairly simple.

Be sympathetic.

It makes Endless-online a better place.

----------------------Sympathy Above Line---------------------------------


The childhood shows the man, as morning shows the day.

On the other hand…

It’s their fault. They’re making Endless-online a more difficult place.

They’re hacking accounts and piercing sophisticated firewalls.

They’re calling you a newb, then running away at 256 mph.

They’re causing you to disconnect at the click of a mouse.

They’re killing you as soon as you enter Pk.





Who cares anymore. Screw them, I’ve had enough. They’re ruining the economy.


D/cing mass amounts of players in widespread economic areas.

That’s how.

I’ll hack them back. I’ll pk ‘em too, I’ll run at 256 mph shouting “newb” at the top of my lungs. Who gives a !@#$.

Screw Vult-w/e that letter was… He doesn’t care, so neither do I.

I want v14 back! –Sniffle-

Be intolerant.

It makes Endless-online the place you want it to be, in your own mind.

---------------------Intolerance Above Line---------------------------

Well, what’re you waiting for? These are separate appeals identical to a citizen of whichever stature was mentioned; sympathetic or intolerant. Now, look to the right… almost there…Yeah, right there. See that poll? Click on either sympathetic or intolerant. It conveys you’re expression towards all of the evil that resides in the MMORPG known as Endless-online.


For those wondering…It’s my style.

Endless Economy and Gossip – Karagu Iishyma


Anonymous said...

Hi Karagu. My first time on your site. It's really interesting, organized, and appealing. I like it a lot and I'll definitely be coming back. I'll tell my friends about it too. Thanks for the info.


Eggie said...

:D I Like it too!

Anonymous said...

Yet another extremely talented post. Bravo Kara, bravo.