Monday, September 24, 2007



Price inflation must die! 9/25/07

This shouldn’t be the first time you’ve heard this because if it is, you’re either new to the game, or you don’t pay attention to anything. Since earlier versions for many reasons prices are insane. Rising and falling, it appears to be an imitation of real life today. I’m not an “oldbie,” but I can say that I’ve seen a lot of changes in my EO life time. Born mid V.27, when TBs were 25k and male heros were just about 50k I’d like to say that this is ridiculous. There is no absolute reason why prices on random items are inflating, but I’m pretty sure that most of us don’t want to buy into it. Here’s how.

  1. Someone says, “Selling rapier 120k,” then from nowhere, 6 other people start shouting that they’re buying or selling a rapier also for 120k; hoping that unsuspecting “newbs” will buy it. This is the number one way prices get inflated. Now, to avoid falling for this, trust your instincts and keep reading along. Don’t get excited and, since you have a rapier yourself, say “Selling rapier 120k also,” is a big no-no. This just adds to the mayhem.
  2. Rich people are junking large amounts of items? This all falls into the category of duplicators and drop partiers. I’m sure you know that some people drop gold for the heck of it just because they’re rich. This is probably duplicated gold. Vult-r can’t get rid of it, what’s this talk about a roll-back? That would never have worked. If Vult-r did a roll-back that far back so many people would quit endless. Everything would be back to normal but this would have to be a “super roll-back.” He has the option of letting his admirers frolic in the duped gold with all of their current level ups and such, or rolling the server all the way back to the duplicated gold incident and fixing it then and there. So extremely rich people that really want to fix the economy to their personal interest are buying the rare items and junking them to make less of them in the EO world. If you ever see someone saying, “Buying all lenses Barus 300k each,” you know why.

This crazed economy has made the poor rich and the rich poor. People that bought Barus for 1.1mil can now only sell it for 300k. People before that however that had Baru when it was 20k, could have sold it for 1.1mil then bought it again when it was 300k. This is called patience and it is mandatory if you want to dominate this game in terms of riches. This site was made especially for you people of EO to know what’s going on. Not for personal guides or whatever, if you want that go to Wikky’s site, but Karagu’s site was constructed specifically for people out there who wonder about the status of the economy.

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