Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Survey on speeders...

Wow people, you won't believe this one. Statistics show that every 3 out of 5 experienced EO players know how or have speeded on EO before. This is ridiculous. I don't even think they know it's against the rules. This is a whopping 60%. That's over half of the experienced players on the blasted game. When I say experienced, I mean have played for at least 2 months. Ask yourself, are YOU one of the 60 percent? I'll add a poll on the website to see who does answer truthfully!

By the way, if you have any comments, questions, or concerns don't hesitate to ask me. I always reply! Arena guide coming soon!



Anonymous said...

This is tsering here. ^^ wow did you make this whole web site on your own?1?!?!?! you did a great job :D so whats this i hear about the arena guild u are making? I WANNA JOIN :D lol Well TTYL BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ashwin said...

Oh darn and i thought i d make a good website telling my tips and secrets on how to be a good merchant on EO. It still in under contruction mode but please look if i m worthy of posting my tips in there =\.

Karagu said...

Thanks a lot people I really appreciate your motivation :D. TYVM.

Anonymous said...

wot is speeding lol ?