Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Newb Guide by "Wags"

EO Newb Guide Vol. 1
-by Wags-


Welcome to the wonderful world of Endless Online. The more you play the game, the more things wrong you’ll find with that statement. EO is a terrible game when it comes to making money, leveling, making friends, etc, and it is even harder for those of you who are new players, or newbs/noobs.

For those of you who don’t know:

Newb – a person who starts the game in an effort to better him/her self and is, for the most part, a good player.

Noob – a person who has no idea what’s going on in the game nor cares about finding out about it unless it provides instant gratification like telling everyone ‘gold plz.’

There are a few guides out there that will tell you that, while in the newbie garden (aka the place you start the game), you should hold on to all the drops you get (goat horns, blob slimes, etc), and hold onto them to sell to the witch in the real world so you have some starting money. This is pretty good advice, but what about after that? There’s a whole new world to explore and items to get and people to meet.

I. Five ways to make money:

I’m putting this first because most of you probably won’t read past this and you’re dumb for doing so, but hey...have it your way.

1. Absolute desperation – No. Not begging. I’m talking about going around and picking up peasant clothes and selling them to the two shops in Aeven. These shops are located in the lower left corner next to the path that leads to the castle. Each suit can get you 3g each and if you want to waste a lot of time, you can make money this way by stripping down all your items and putting them in the bank and loading up on peasant clothes. You know that area with the mushrooms south of Centuar? If you go left from that area, there is a huge area of goats and usually tons of peasant outfits.

2. Selling item drops – This is the #1 way to make money in EO. The best thing you can possibly do is leave your chat screen on global while you’re training and see if someone needs what you have and message them to sell to them. Not only can you make more money than the witch will give you most of the time, but once in a while you might find a great deal on an item you really want. For example, I had ten orbs of light lying around one time and someone offered me 10k for all ten when normally you would never find someone to buy them (they’re used for the Lens of Truth, which aren’t made that often anymore). Another time I found an xbow for around 60k when they were selling for higher at that time.

3. Trading – Trading items is the #2 way to make money in EO, but I’ll have a separate section coming up in this post and on item drops so scroll down if you want to know more.

4. Making friends – Guess what? If you’re not a douchebag, people might loan you some money or items out of the goodness of their hearts. I know when I started the game, someone hooked me up with some armor and a little cash just because I was genuinely interested in playing the game and hanging out instead of being a stat whore. Begging for stuff is the #1 faux pas that will make people NOT want to give you something. I’ve noticed even now when I give stuff away to a nice newbie, other people will do the same to the person I’m helping out as well. They do this because they think you may be a nice person because someone decided to take you under their wing and get you started. Be warned though, some people are so devoid of any humanity that they will be your friend for a long time in an effort to scam you for items/cash later that they have no intention of returning. If you loan out anything of great value, make sure you know the person in real life so you can kick their ass if need be.

5. Crafting – Yes this does take a long time and yes you may not really get out of it what you put into it, but it is a way to make money…IF you’re smart about it. For example, lets imagine you craft a Warlock sword. You might get 1k for it if you’re looking to make a quick buck, or you might be able to sell it from 3-5k if you find someone REALLY desperate to finish that Ultima blade they’re working on. Basically, making money on EO takes loads and loads of patience, but it can be done.

II. First things first

1. Get some class - So you just made it to the ‘real world’ and you find that you’re getting your ass kicked by sheep? What the hell right? Well there’s a reason behind this. You have stats and regardless if you put them all in STR or not, you’re still going to be weak BECAUSE you need to change to a particular class. Don’t worry as this is NOT a serious decision (you can change it at any time and many people do to become multiclass and therefore quite powerful in later levels). I recommend becoming a warrior class and putting everything in STR (don’t worry about this either because you can reset your stats at anytime – more on this later). Now, for every 3 str you have, you gain 1-1 attack (as opposed to whatever crap you were hitting before as a non-class player). You can find out all the rules of class at the endless forum, which you can find on EO’s homepage (there is a sticky called players guide that explains most everything you need to know about that). Oh and by the way, in order to change your class you must find the wizard who roams around the center of Aeven. He wears a dark robe and you have to click on him and go to the class menu to change your class. Easy huh?

2. Get magic – running up to a sheep to find some prick just attacked it to lock in the kill? You can get spells early in the game to help you kill-lock your own monsters if you have 500g and know where to get to Anundo. First you have to go change your class to magician (you’ll find each class comes with its own stats so be sure to change to magician first before anything) and change your stats so that you meet the requirements for small fire or thunder. Oh, and while you’re at it, get small heal too for 100g (it helps a ton and is located in Aeven near the center on the left half and is also the same place you can reset your stats). There is a pretty definitive guide for all of this and much more at http://endlessreport.blogspot.com/spells.html

3. Get these items in this order (if possible):

Two Gold rings – can be had for around 100g each on the street or you can kill some foxes in the skyworld and get them yourself. This will greatly increase your HP.

Two golden elf bracelets – about 58g each in Hallowdale’s shop. These also give you vital stats.

Two leather bracers – don’t pay more than 50g or so for these from people, but these are a pretty common drop in Centaur and give you more good stats.

Leather gloves – Don’t pay more than about 100g for these because these are also dropped in Centaur and are a pretty easy find. I recommend you upgrade to either death gloves or iron gloves (same stats for either) when you find the time. You can craft them pretty easily and they give better stats than leather gloves.

Froghead – Costs on the street 100-1000 gold but it’s much easier to go and kill some frogs and get one yourself at the swamp near Estaq / Stronghold (Gives 1-1 attack and 5 accuracy and they are cursed so beware).

Normal arrows – costs 600g in Hallowdale (give 1-3 attack and 1 accuracy and you have to change your class to Archer to put them on, but you can change it back afterwards).

Skull Belt – costs 800g new in Aeven or around 500g used (gives 1 int and 1 wis so you can get self heal as well as buttloads of TP for magic).

Emerald Necklace – Costs 1000 in Aeven or 500-750 used (gives 1 STR and 10 HP).

4. Everything else is covered in the trading section.

III. Twelve places to level (from easiest to hardest)

1. Skyworld – Don’t bother keeping the blobs that the blobs drop unless you want to make a useless weapon or get small amounts of gold from the marble shop, but it’s a good place for the really low level people.

2. Swamp area – there’s lots of spiders, frogs, and snakes here for you lower levels and it’s right outside of Death Cave. If you go east, you’ll find mummies which drop an ingredient for death/iron gloves, and if you go even further east, you’ll find Wingos (all of which are good for early levels).

3. Porcupines – Another ‘early in the game’ area if you’re hurting for exp. and every place is being hogged (nobody comes here to train). This place is around the Stronghold / Swamp area.

4. Skeletons – just keep going straight past the porcupines and go down that flight of stairs to get here. Since a lot of higher level people come here, fewer lower level people come to train here. I don’t really recommend this place though.

5. Death Cave – The undeaths drop dark rags (needed for Ultima so you might make a good profit off them) and give ok experience. The Vyercils are really easy and give bad exp but they drop tentacles that you can sell to the witch for 50g.

6. Sheep – yes it sucks because they don’t drop anything, but they spawn really fast and people are less likely to hog spawn spots (although they still do).

7. Desert – If you’re feeling rambunctious and have magic, you might want to try killing some rocks. They’re easy, give 80 exp, and sometimes drop a few hundred gold. Be warned though, these spots are pretty popular. You can get there by way of Aeven Port.

8. Birdmen and Wolfmen forts – Due to the popularity of all the new areas, a lot of people have forgotten about these places. You can usually gain exp here without too many people bothering you (it’s located past Stronghold). Also, the wolfman fur sells for 50g I think to the witch.

9. Underground Fortress – the Orcs and the headless hunters spawn so fast here, most people couldn’t hog a single spot easily. The orcs drop ears that few people probably would want (but you can sell to the witch for a good price), and headless hunters give 50 exp. You probably shouldn’t come here early in the game though.

10. Carnivores – give good exp and drop leaves, which you can sell to the witch for 60g

11. First floor haunted house (easy if you have the recommended equipment and they give 50exp each – located in wingo area)

12. Quests – There’s a new mole quest that gives 2000 experience for killing 50 moles that I highly recommend (although it’s really popular and it’s usually really busy). Pjedro’s quest is good as well as the Castle Maze (make sure to talk to the ‘maze master’ before going in and look for a map of it before going into it or you WILL get lost and won’t be able to get out).

IV. Trading guide

1. These are items that you should give away (unless you need them for yourself) and will not make you any worthwhile cash.

Note: (Dropped – dropped from a monster and can’t be sold to shop)


Small Sword
Normal Sword
Broad Sword
Throw Axe
Wood Axe
Battle Axe
Luna Staff
Forrest Staff
Aura Staff
Jewel Staff
Big Ugly Mace
Thors Hammer (dagger has better stats)
Spirit Star
Ancient Star

Dark / Light Katana
Cava Staff
Jack Spear
Chains (you might make 500g-1k off these if you’re lucky)


Peasant Suits
Cave / Indian robes (m/f)
Wizard Robes
Hula Hula pants / Grass Skirt (m/f)
Plaot robes

Royal Suit
Buccanee (m/f)
School Uniform (f)


Every shield in the stores except arrows have no stats and you won’t make any money off of them.

Wooden protector (do us a favor and just junk it)
Oak shield – good because it has stats and if you can’t afford arrows yet (but it’s worthless).


Magic hat – all colors
Enchanted hat – all colors
Bandanas – all colors
Scarves – all colors
Hoods – all colors
Chainmail hat
Fairy hat
Mystic hat
Samurai hat
Horned hat
Merchant hat
Xmas hat
Pirate Hat
Lotus Helmet
Flad hat


Dragon mask
Gob helm (avoid those by the way)


All boots are worthless except for:

Steel Boots (give 1 defense and 1 dodge and cost about 2-4k on the street)

Misc items:

Small fairy soda
Herbs / Grocery Items
Frog scrubs
Gnome hat


Silver ring
Silver elf bracelet
Magic/War/Defence charm
All crystals except fire (for now)
All gems

2. These are lower-level items you should seek out:


Dragon Blade – bad stats but is needed to make Ultima. Recommend: buy at 1k or lower and sell higher to a crafter.

Ultima – sells for around 14-18k street price now and gives you stats nearly as good as Twin Blade.

Red Bow – about 25k average street price right now, but it’s completely necessary if you want to fight other players for rare and expensive drops.

Bazaar – 10k or less on street prices now. This item will give you awesome int and wis so you can up your stats without having to use them up for magic.

Dark blade – 5-10k street price. Great stats and relatively inexpensive now.

Harp – if you craft it you can sell it for around 5-10k

Guitar – if you craft it you can sell it for around 10-20k


Royal Suit – while you won’t make any money off it, it has better stats than most everything at the shops.

Elegant – this armor shouldn’t cost more than 1k street price (sometimes you can get it even cheaper) and it gives you really good stats for the price.

Dragon armor – has better stats than everything you can by at the store except Tebar (and is usually given away by people because it’s cheaper than elegant).

Soccery Armor – Ok stats and is a lot cheaper now than it used to be (estimated at around 5k).

Archery – Wonderful stats but costs around 20-25k street price (due to Oron).

Heavy Eloffe – Good stats and you might get it for around 5-10k street price (or cheaper).

Ketova – good stats and the creature that drops it (yeti) isn’t usually camped at except by newbies like yourself.


Everything else is pretty much up to your own discretion. Like I said, while you train, be sure to have Global open so you can snag deals and sales when you see them. People need all sorts of animal parts/other items all of the time and you may just be the person to make a small profit off their urgency.

Also one other piece of advice is to get on EO during weird hours to train and buy things. When EO isn’t busy at night and during school (around 1am – 4pm EST on a weekday) you can train easier and get great deals from people urgent to sell stuff due to the lack of people (possibly to seal a deal of their own). During the day and weekend is when to sell your item because that’s when all the richer folk / dumber people come on and want to make deals on what they ‘think’ the market value of everything is (it’s amazing how different the prices become between day and night).

And remember, don’t beg, be stupid, cheat (yea I know cheaters are ruining the game but they’ll fix it sometime), or go into the Player killer zone in the jail. It’s dominated by cheaters and if we all stop going in, then they fail to have any fun killing us with super speed.


Vote said...

VERY LONG! Didn't read much, but kool!

longhairguy said...

hehe, good guide, I'm working on a site myself and it has a basic guide on it, only problem is... none of the domain hosts let you upload .html files... grrrrr!