Monday, December 17, 2007

The Truth Behind Hacking:

The Truth Behind Hacking:

If wishes were horses beggars might ride.

When beggars get the opportunity, they’ll take it.

In relation to Endless-online, whenever someone gets the opportunity to make an extra bit of gold, they’ll definitely take it. In this case, whenever someone gets the chance to “STEAL YOUR ACCOUNT” it is going to happen.

Me? Yeah, I’m human. Human first, Eo citizen second. This is the mind set of a human being. Truthfully, if you’re reading this; you’re a human. Now, below, I’ll state THE TRUTH BEHIND HACKING.

Ok, many people often tell their friends that they got hacked. Here, is their first mistake.

Consider this:

- If they got hacked, how are they on their account, when it supposedly got hacked, and as we all know, a smart hacker CHANGES THE PASSWORD OF THE ACCOUNT HE/SHE HACKED SO THAT IT WILL BE EASIER TO TAKE THE ITEMS, AND SELL THE ACCOUNT FOR ADDITIONAL CASH.

If you have come across someone, a “friend” in this case, who has gotten hacked, tell them, “If wishes were horses beggars might ride. Hopefully, they’ll understand.

If you still don’t get it, basically, I’m trying to keep you from getting scammed out of your items. It’s obviously a lie that your “friend” is telling you, and you shouldn’t be tricked into “helping” your “friend” by giving him/her an extra item or two to get back on their feet.

No one is your friend; everyone is out to get you.

Don’t believe me? What you have is “too special” to be traded for an extra scav or two? Think again…think again.

---Karagu Iishyma

The truth

Note: Since what I had planned for Kara-Komic 7 has come to a screeching halt, I’ll have to create a totally different comic. This one will be about someone who let their “friend” know the password to their account. Also, I’ll include a poll asking if you’ve ever been hacked, and another poll asking if you’ve ever hacked someone. See you next time.


Anonymous said...

Nice post Kara.

Anonymous said...

Nice, well done.

Blade said...

Well actually when I got my account stolen back at the beginning of 2007 I made a different account and told people over MSN that I was who I am and what happened. Then I used password recovery to get the old username back but by then the fag had already deleted my character and I'd already remade him on my new account lol so although I agree with you, not EVERYONE that says they got hacked is lying, they could've just made a different account.

AcidTrip031 said...

Well the first guy i can relate with wat his saying becuz my gf who was "hacked" was on her acc and asked me for some idems and like the guy i am, i gave her all my shit trying to be a hero and save the day, and turns out ppl say she was never hacked -.-''....WEll the reason why i ever got to this acc is becuz i was hacked ur website popped up on google, i made a new acc, but left with nada, nothing. if some1 any could plz help me. AIM/ AOL - Vampirerobert031. Myspaxe -, i was hacked this morning on idk the date but a day from easter XD. tyvm plz help me