Run While You Can:
They always say, “Running is not an option,” but in the case of Endless-online…
Endless-online has been full of drama, stress, and violence, and it’s only getting worse. Many citizens are being pushed to their limits due to the idiotic actions of the spammer d/cers. Everyone is “on-end.”
If you ask me, I think we all need a nice long break to clear our heads, and give the Administrators a chance to fix the spamming problems, if they can.
Below, I’ll post some “Kara-approved” MMORPGs that you could start playing if you decide to temporarily leave Endless-online.
Kara-approved games:
(Follow the link, it should take you to a well organized-alphabetized list of fun and free MMORPGs)
I got together with a few Eo players and discussed the status this game is currently in. We’ve concluded that too many people are messing with the game’s “internal-components” and these “hackers” aren’t taking the game seriously. This is a huge problem and if it keeps up, someone is definitely going to get hurt. In order to avoid further pain, I suggest taking a break, but that’s just me.
Go out and do whatever feels right, in the end, it’ll all end the same way.
Note: I’ll include a poll asking if you think taking a break from Endless-online is a good thing or not. Be sure to vote.
ALSO! I, Karagu, am now married to the most amazing girl on Endless-online; Eggiesamiri. I love her with all of my heart, wish us luck. <3
See you next time.
You make it sound like a good idea Kara. I might actually consider it.
How sweet >.<
Also, congrats!
Thanks. ^^
Aww Kara that's sooooo Sweet! Ilove you too much..and I couldn't go a day without knowing that you will always be there for me
Luv yah lots <3 <3
Eggie <3
I just shrug when I get disconnected by those bored idiots. I log back in and life goes on. Although, I don't spend as much time in EO like I used to.
Just don't let the idiots get to your nerves, relax, its just a game.
Outrage and attention is what they thrive on, so if we refuse to acknowledge their existence (much like we do to "noobs" ) they'll eventually quit bothering us and find another way to piss people off, affording us a few hours, days or weeks of much needed peace.
LOL... gratz Eggeh! <3333
Cute. ^^
Uhm thanx Naoo <3 How r yah? I haven't seen you in like what...2 days :x Scary eh? well.....I think Im starting to like saying Uhm...So yeah....Uhm I kinda broke my keyboard in frustration...Kinda sad..My mum got angry at me for breaking it..and Yeah..Im dead.
You fool. She's mine wether you like it or not =|
And Kara is a girls name x]
Hi HI Jelleh.
She would be no one Hiiii <3
Meh.To hell with eo. im sorta quitting
getydddr556vc4 vhbg
Very good site karagu
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